Κεφάλαια σε βιβλία
– Pavlakis, A. and Krane, R.: Blood and lymph circulation of the testis. In: Blood Vessels and Lymphatics in Organ Systems, Eds. Abramson and Dobrin, Academic Press, 1984
– Pavlakis, A.: Cauda equina and pelvic plexus injury. In: Clinical Neuro-Urology, Eds. Krane and Siroky, Boston, Little, Brown, 1991
– Παυλάκης, Α.: Νευρολογικές παθήσεις που προκαλούν κυστική δυσλειτουργία. Χ. Θεοδώρου : Ουροδυναμική και Νευρο-Ουρολογία, Εκδ. Παρισιάνος, Αθήνα, 1999
Δημοσιεύσεις σε διεθνή περιοδικά
– Pavlakis A. et al: Prostaglandin and Thromboxane production by the rabbit bladder. Proceed. 12th Congress, International Continence Society, Leiden, 1982, pp24-26
– Goldstein I, Siroky M and Pavlakis A: Studies of the central afferent pathway of the pudendal nerve. Proceed. 12th Congress, International Continence Society, Leiden 1982, pp 149-150
– Pavlakis A et al: Neuro-urologic findings in Parkinson’s disease. J Urol 129:80-83, 1983
– Pavlakis A et al: Supplementation of cystometrography with simultaneous perineal floor and rectus abdominis electromyography. J Urol 129:1179-1181, 1983
– Pavlakis A et al: Neurogenic detrusor arreflexia: Correlation of perineal electromyography and betanechol chloride hypersensitivity testing. J Urol 129:1182-1184, 1983
– Pavlakis A et al: Neuro-urologic findings in conus medullaris and cauda equina injury. Arch Neurol 40:570-573, 1983
– Wheeler J, Pavlakis A et al: The changing neuro-urologic pattern of multiple sclerosis. J Urol 130: 1123-1127,1983
– Pavlakis A et al: Prostaglandins in lower urinary tract. J Neurourol Urodynamics 2:105-107, 1983
– Leslie C, Pavlakis A et al: Release of arachidonate cascade products by the rabbit bladder: Neurophysiological significance. J Urol 132:376-380, 1984
– Wheeler J, Siroky M, Pavlakis A: The urodynamic aspects of the Guillain-Barre syndrome. J Urol 131:917-920, 1984
– Pavlakis A et al: The evaluation of impotence with a simple outpatient protocol.
– Proceed. 20th Congress, Societe Internationale d Urologie, pp 121-122, 1985
– Pavlakis A et al: A comparison of treatment methods for the prophylaxis of recurrent, superficial bladder tumors. Proceed. 20th Congress, Societe Internationale d’ Urologie, pp 56-57, 1985
– Pavlakis A et al: Functional voiding disorders in females. J Neurourol. Urodynamics 5:145-151, 1986
– Thanos A, Pavlakis A et al: Vesico-uterine fistuli. Urology 28:426-428, 1986
– Papacharalambous A, Pavlakis A: Leiomysarcoma of the bladder. Brit J Urol 51:321, 1979
– Stenos J, Pavlakis A: L Hemangiome caverneux de la vessie: a propos de deux cas. Journal d’ Urologie 89:83,1983
– Pavlakis A: Histological findings in surgically removed prostates. Proceed. 20th Congress, International College of Surgeons, pp. 379-382, 1976
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Ο Αριστείδης Παυλάκης έχει μέχρι τώρα 403 αναφορές ( citations ) στη διεθνή βιβλιογραφία.
Πηγή: Citation Index International